Monday, December 13, 2010

Waiting to meet Santa

We attended Abbott's Christmas party. The kids played games and ate cookies and met Santa. It was fun and they all seemed to enjoy themselves. We have made a better effort to get out and do things with our children around this Christmas season. I think it is easy to want to stay home and miss out on fun things to do with the kids. We have finally learned our lesson and this has been a really fun Christmas season for us. The best part is that there are still more fun times to come!

Sister pose

I had to keep her busy while we waited.

Twins. Need I say more?

She loves Christmas...just like her mommy.

Silly faces, as always.

Frosty the snowman's cousins.

We met Santa!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Any day can be a good day

Taking a break from talking about the basement remodel I will get back to talking about our wonderful children. We have been enjoying the fall season with massive leaf piles and fun playing with the neighbors. There is rarely a dull moment around here and I find myself handing out chores if any of the kids complain of being "bored" (which doesn't happen very often.) Sophia has lost another tooth so that's two teeth gone now I think the tooth fairy might need to ask the government for some stimulus money. She is excelling wonderfully at kindergarten. She has made some friends and loves to read all of the time. Her teacher praises her willingness to help others and her reading skills but her handwriting needs lots of work. She is growing up way too fast and the dreaded day of "mom, I don't need you help" has arrived. I was warned from other friends that she might say this once she started school and even though its heartbreaking I know it is a necessary part of growing up. We love her dearly and are very proud of our oldest.

Number two has been working feverishly on her new preschool book and loves to boast of her accomplishments. She has little patience for me or anything else which is very trying on mommy's nerves. She is full of love and energy and I wouldn't change a thing about her. It is this child that is teaching me that we are all so beautifully different and made in the image of God. She is very considerate and loving and always seems to say the things that I need to hear when I need to hear them the most. She is our little fire-cracker and we love her so much and are very proud of her.

Baby C is also keeping us on our toes. He has decided to start crawling up the steps. YIKES! He is such a content baby and makes my life so easy. He is eating baby food and we are starting to transition him to more solid foods as he has surpassed the 10 month mark. He is pretty mcuh into everything at this point when it comes to exploring out house. He loves his sisters and loves to smack them playfully, of course. He has 6 teeth and bites and chews on almost anything he can get his hands on. This photo if of his favorite place the back door where he can look at the yard and the neighbors dogs. Jim and I are so thankful for our little miracle, we love him dearly.

Here are some photos from Family Day at my dad's place of employment and some photos at our house.

She loved riding the horse. She seems way too small.

Expert and doing great!

"Mom, really one more picture?"

Decorating pumpkins.

Finished our pumpkin topiary. (Oldest to youngest starting with the top pumpkin)

We think our pumpkins are "way cute!"

Friday, October 8, 2010

We have insulation!

After a all day yesterday we have an insulated basement. Jim and I joked that it will be the best insulated room in our home. Here are some photos of the insulation.

We had the rim joist area insulated since we have learned that most homes lose their heat through these areas.

View of the large room where the t.v. will go

basement ceiling and walls

small room area